This instruction guides you on how to press on the screen through the entire process of programming, but also how to start the automated wash.
You will get better and better with the joystick for each program that you create. Aim to take your time to make new improved programs for the location you are going to wash, every time you get the opportunity until you are satisfied with the results. In this way you will become a better programmer and be more familiar with the robot which leads to better results for the wash and an even more efficient robot.
You can press on any of the pictures below for a bigger picture.
At the top of the screen, you can choose between your native language or English.
You can get help and explanation of different buttons if you press . This question mark is available on all screens if there is any button or functions you are considering. Deactivate the help by pressing the
-button again.
Everything you teach the robot (locations/programs/recipes) is done through “Settings”.
From this screen you can choose whether you want to create a new location, new program or new recipe. In this step, we are going to show you how to create a new location.
You can also go to the internet screen from settings and enter your phone number . You’ll then receive text messages when the robot, for example, is finished with a wash. You enter your phone number by pressing the blue globe up in the top left corner .
In this step, choose if you want to make a new location or a new program. Go to step 1. if you want to make a new location. Go to step 2. if you want to make a new program in an already existing location.
In this step, you are going to name the location to the same name as you normally call this room. Optionally give a name that fits all locations that are identical.
You do also have the option to choose if you want to use virtual markers. If you only using physical markers and don't use virtual markers, go directly to step 2).
Place the guidance wheels manually towards the wall where the markers are placed at. Pull the back wheel straight back to unlock. Push the back wheel forward to lock it in the angle you are satisfied with. The magnetic-sensor shall also be pointed towards the markers!
When the guidance wheels are angled the robot going to drive in that direction and be close to the markers.
The example below shows that the right side is selected.
This isn’t a programming part. This is just a reminder for later, so you know which side the wheels must steer to.
Before you begin the following steps, make sure that the robot is positioned correctly in the aisle. That the guidance wheels are in the right direction (towards the markers); the magnetic-sensor is placed before the first marker (up to 1 m before); that the magnetic-sensor points towards the markers (left or right); and that the magnetic-sensor is adjusted so it can sense the markers (max 10 cm from the marker).
How many physical markers are placed in the aisle?
Note; when you press “OK”, the robot will start running forward to read where the markers are located. So, make sure you have made the preparations as above.
Now that the robot has begun to drive forward, it’s important to follow the robot all the way down the aisle to make sure the sensor senses all the markers.
The blue symbol in the upper left corner means that the sensor detects a marker (or something else that’s magnetic).
The yellow square shows how many markers the robot have sensed.
When the robot has sensed all the markers, you will return to settings. You have now created the location that you now want to create programs for.
If you want to remake a program, click here.
The name of the program shall describe the specific washing area that this program washes.
Examples of names are: “Floor Right, Floor Left, Wall Right, Wall Left” etc.
Note that the robot shall now be positioned in front of the marker you have planned to do the programming at.
Choose the desired position where the robot will start the program, so called start position.
By choosing a start position the robot knows how far to go from the marker. When the first program have finished, the robot will go from the position it had where the just finished program ended directly to the next programs start position. In other words, the robot doesn't have to go back to the marker for every program which means we save some movements driving back and forth.
Have in mind, when you are choosing a start position, take a position where you can rotate the tower without hitting any pipes or similar.
You must also park all the functions at this step.
The green “OK” -button is only visible when all functions are parked.
If you haven't already had the joystick plugged in, plug it in now (under the hood on the right side of the tower).
Remember to start with simple programs. Do not overdo the programs. The more you program with the joystick, the better you will become. Have a plan on where you will start and finish the program. Think through how you on the most efficient way can work your way to where you want to finish.
For more information on how to move the robot with the joystick, go to Programming support and read the chapter Programming - How to move the robot.
Once this program is ended you can repeat step 8-11 until you have all programs needed for your recipe. When you have all programs, you can go to next step and create a recipe for these programs.
Now that you've created one or more programs, you must add it/them to a recipe. Either in a new recipe or in an existing recipe.
Go to Settings screen and then press ”RECIPE” (picture 1). Select the current location for which you created the programs for and for which you now want to create a recipe for (picture 2). Confirm the location with “OK“.
Picture 3: You can now choose whether you want to create a new recipe (step 1.) or edit an existing recipe (step 2.).
This is where you tell for the robot what it shall do at each marker. In the middle of the screen you can see a gray square. This gray square tells you which marker you are at. The examples show that this location has 6 markers. These examples tell you how to create a new recipe. You use the same principles if you want to edit an existing recipe.
4. You can add several different programs to the same marker. If you want to add more programs to this marker, repeat step 1-3.
In the examples below we can see that “Floor Right” and “Floor Left” are placed at marker 1 to 5 at the first two pictures. At marker 6 (step 3.), “Floor Left” is removed. See the following steps below.
1. Now that you have chosen which programs to use at marker 1 according to the previous step (step 13). Press the green button “NEXT” to proceed to marker 2.
2. The programs you selected at the previous marker follows in the same order to the next marker. Press next to proceed to the next marker if you want to use same programs as the previous marker.
3. If there is something you want to change at any marker, you can add additional programs according to the previous step (step 13. Select programs for the recipe) or you can remove programs that followed from the previous marker by pressing “REMOVE PROGRAM” and then select which side you want to remove programs from.
As you can see in the pictures below, we remove FLOOR_LEFT from position 6.
4. Confirm and save the recipe with “OK” when you have gone through all the markers. You can only save the recipe once you are at the last marker.
You have now created your recipe. Repeat this procedure with the other recipes you need for this location. You should now create a wall recipe if you recently created a floor recipe. (if you already have wall programs. If not, go to Step: 8. Create a program to program the wall programs.)
If you have all your programs placed in their recipes (floor programs in a floor recipe, wall programs in a wall recipe), you can start washing. Start by making sure that the robot's marker sensor is positioned about 30 cm behind the first marker (or behind that marker you want to start washing from) and adjusted so the sensor is maximum 10 cm away sideways from the marker. The robot can only start washing from physical markers. The overview of the robot is a reminder for which side to set the support wheels to.
For example, you can select the recipes in this order: Floor, Floor and last Wall if you think the floors needs extra attention. See the example below.
Make sure that the robot is positioned with the marker sensor in front of the first marker (up to 100 cm in front) before you press “OK”. When you press the “OK”-button the robot will run forward to find the marker and start the automatic wash based on the recipe queue you have selected.
The robot do now wash automatically according to the information you have given it.